Call Startups

Call Startups

The Chamber of Drama has the honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the Lab40 Incubator, which is the first Regional Incubator in Greece. The incubator incorporates the experiences gained from a number of pilot projects successfully implemented by the Drama Chamber in recent years as part of its broader strategy to support entrepreneurship and employability.

Your participation is free and while you can have the following indicative benefits in total:

Access and use of facilities such as:

  • Office space
  • Meeting room
  • Venue area
  • Kitchen area

Access and Use of equipment such as:

  • Laptops
  • Printer
  • 3D Printer
  • Broadband Network

Access to events

More about the operation of Lab40 Incubator and the terms of participation

Our vision is to reverse the brain drain into brain gain through a healthy boost of competitive ventures and our contribution to making the region a model of economic progress.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund and the Public Investment Program, through the Operation "Creation of ECB Entrepreneurship Support Structures", the Operational Program "Eastern Macedonia Thrace 2014-2020".

Innovation Support from the Chamber of Drama.

Innovation Support from the Chamber of Drama.

Lab40 Accelerator is the business accelerator of the Chamber of Drama that is addressed to those who have a fresh business idea or reasoning and are in one of the following indicative stages:

  1. Forming an initial business idea and team,
  2. Business plan development,
  3. Design and production of an original product / service,
  4. Test the product with users outside the group.

The role of Lab40 Accelerator is to help a business team to reach in a short time, a sufficient level, in order to claim the implementation of the idea-solution that it offers with better possibilities but also chances of success.

The Lab40 Accelerator will be completed through four acceleration cycles within 2 years and is aimed at emerging teams that will be supported in distinct processes. The overall program aims to accelerate desperate teams with innovative or competitive business solutions, offering both theoretical and project support through master classes and mentoring that follows international practices.

Each acceleration cycle will last approximately 3 months, concluding with startup presentations during the Demo Day, where acceleration graduates present their plan in front of judges, such as entrepreneurs, financiers and market executives. Joining each cycle is done through an application with a parallel submission of the plan for acceleration, as well as a follow-up interview. In each cycle there is a limit to the total number of startups that will be introduced.

Acceleration procedures can be offered at the incubator facility on a weekly basis, both for life, taking the necessary measures to protect health, and remotely. At the end of the acceleration program, services will be offered to the finalists of incubation at the facilities of Lab40 INCUBATOR in Drama.

The Chamber of Drama is familiar with the acceleration procedures having successfully hosted and implemented in 2006 the Technogenesis entrepreneurship program as well as in 2014 the Stage-One acceleration program that took place for the first time in a non-metropolitan area of ​​Greece. Lab40 Accelerator and Lab40 INCUBATOR are the natural evolution of experiences and a vision that is now becoming a reality that offers significant opportunities for cultivating a decentralized, cross-border entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund and the Public Investment Program, through the Operation "Creation of ECB Entrepreneurship Support Structures", the Operational Program "Eastern Macedonia Thrace 2014-2020".

You can find out more about the program and its application process at +30 2521 022392 -

Invitation to participate in Accelerator

Invitation to participate in Accelerator

Become one of the 40

About Lab40 Incubator

The Lab40 Accelerator startup is looking for ambitious and innovative start-ups from existing companies, or aspiring start-ups, who will have the opportunity to develop or improve their business thinking through a process that will both reduce the time for successful market launch or error recognition, prevent a future failure and aid in potential exponential growth.

The work of Lab40 Incubator begins with the implementation of the Lab40 Accelerator business accelerator aimed at start-up teams that have a pioneering business idea or concept and are at some stage of designing and producing a prototype product, service.

The Lab40 Accelerator will be implemented in 4 6-month cycles where startups and SMEs will alternate and will provide mentoring as well as masterclasses.


In each cycle there is a limit to the number of new groups that will be introduced. The conclusion of each cycle will be the DEMO DAY, ie presentations of the young teams in front of judges such as businessmen, financiers and market executives. Finalists will be able to claim, among other things, their free 12-month hosting at the Lab40 Incubator incubator The finalists will be able to claim, among other things, their free 12-month hosting

In each cycle there is a limit to the number of new groups that will be introduced. The conclusion of each cycle will be the DEMO DAY, ie presentations of the young teams in front of judges such as businessmen, financiers and market executives.

Finalists will be able to claim, among other things, their free 12-month hosting at the Lab40 Incubator incubator

The finalists will be able to claim, among other things, their free 12-month hosting

Public Funding


The project is funded by the European Social Fund and the Public Investment Program, through the Operation "Creation of ECB Entrepreneurship Support Structures", the Operational Program "Eastern Macedonia Thrace 2014-2020", Declaration Number: Drama, 23.9.2020, No. Prot. 1167.

Contact us

Contact Phone:

  • 25210 22750 (ext. 1)


L. Lamprianidi 40, PC 66132 Drama